1.105.75.pa update

Right, tunnel cards are now a thing. There are really only 3 of them in the deck, but I'll add more variants in as I build.

I corrected healing skill, so it properly allows you to heal. There was a typo that forced it to deny healing, saying you were already at max health.

Fixed the NPC bug. There is a small bug in killing an NPC, and I'm still trying to correct it. Basically, it recursively tries to destroy a stat, but it's not figuring out that it's dead. so hopefully it's fixed. It was more than likely an indexing issue. I often forget index starts at 0, etc.

Hopefully by tomorrow I can add room discovery.

I will be taking the following three days after, to work on a chatbot, possibly longer. It will be used for when dialogue is implemented.


KnightsofKalvgv-html5.zip Play in browser
May 05, 2021

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